Thank You for Passing the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act
The Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act permanently protects Yellowstone’s northern gateway from the threats of proposed industrial gold mining.
Send your congratulations for the passage of the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act.
After years of hard work by our community the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act has passed out of Congress! With overwhelming bipartisan support as Part of S.47, the Natural Resources Management Act, known more commonly as the The Public Lands Package, is one signature away.
This bill permanently prohibits development of federal mineral rights on 30,000 acres of public land in the Custer Gallatin National Forest adjacent to the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness north of Yellowstone National Park, curtailing the ability for proposed gold mines to expand onto public lands. The new legislation does not impact private property and does not impact other public uses on public lands.
Support for the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act
We know how important Yellowstone National Park is for people from all over the country and the world. We thank you for your interest and willingness to support our efforts to protect Yellowstone's northern gateway. For all of our out-of-state members and supporters we encourage you to write or call Montana's delegation directly to thank them for their efforts and support of the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act and its recent passage. Their contact information is on our website HERE.
Please spread the word and help us raise awareness for this crucial issue.
Thank You